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Cover for Sharon's Canine Care LLC
Sharon's Canine Care LLC

Sharon's Canine Care LLC

Sharon's Canine Care is conveniently located in Muskegon only a short drive from both US-31 and I-96

Let Hannah show you how to keep cool on a hot pre-summer day.  Also enjoy a soulful tune as I play with audio features. #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbulls #cutedog
Bailey and owner Sharon present some leaf crunching, dog walking ASMR for you.  #asmr #puremichigan #cockerspaniel
Gunner, having the best time in slow motion.  #dutchshepherd #dogvsprinkler #dogs
Happy Friday 🥳!  May I present Kaiya with a winning head tilt.  #dogquestionmarkhead #thatheadtilttho #gsd #germanshepherddog
Happy Thanksgiving from a few of the dogs here!
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